February 7, 2022
Food Services Celebrates Black History Month
Once again, Food Services is delighted to celebrate the great culinary influences of the Black community within the Canadian food landscape, and to mark Black History Month. In recognition of this wonderful event, two of our well-known and well-loved Black campus chefs are sharing two incredible soup recipes with us-they are both vegetarian, but you can substitute a meat base if you like or even add an ingredient of your own. Their dishes give us an overview of the culinary traditions and influences of two different Black communities: Jamaica and Ghana.
Chef Colin’s soup originated from Western Africa. It was brought over to North America during the slave trade and is now a staple all over the Caribbean. Every island tweaks the recipe slightly, some countries use dasheen leaf (or elephant’s ear) to make the soup, which can also be called callaloo soup.
“In Jamaica we use the callaloo vegetable a lot in our cooking. It is a powerful green vegetable that is sort of like spinach and broccoli. It goes with just about everything and is a favourite amongst Jamaicans because we put it in everything,” he says.
His soup is made with callaloo and Scotch bonnet peppers and is vegetarian, but those who want can also use a meat base. It’s a hearty winter soup, perfect for our cold winter.
Residents of CampusOne, New College, and Chestnut will have the opportunity to enjoy the soup Thursday February 10th, and Friday February 11th in the dining hall.
You can learn how to make Chef Colin’s Pepper Pot Soup here:
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Chef Daniel’s Ghanaian Vegan Palm Nut Soup is a tribute to the importance of the palm tree in Ghanaian cuisine and culture. It is known as the “tree of life”. Every single part of the palm tree is used productively, none of it goes to waste. Palm oil is obtained from the fruit and used to make biodiesel, wax, soap, jelly, Palm cream is used for soup. Palm kernel oil is obtained from the nut and the branches of the tree is used in construction of baskets and wig stands. His palm nut soup is full of rich, layered flavours.
When the palm tree is aged and can’t produce much it is uprooted and used to produce palm wine and rum.
“You can also add your own touches to the soup,” says Chef Daniel, adding that it is healthy and rich in nutrients. In Ghanaian tradition, many of the ingredients are considered to have healing properties.
Both chef’s recipes are cost-effective, gluten-free and rich in protein and nutrients.
You can learn how to make Chef Daniel’s Ghanaian Vegan Palm Nut Soup here:
We hope you try them and if you do, let us know how they turn out by tagging us @ueatoronto on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.