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NOTICE: All retail Food Services locations will be closed for Family Day on February 17, 2025. Visit our where to eat page for details!



Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

The University of Toronto is committed to the protection of privacy. Ontario universities are covered by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) which supports access to University records and protection of privacy. The University upholds these principles.

Key purposes of the Act are to:

  • Provide the public a right of access to university records subject to limited exemptions;
  • Protect the privacy of personal information about individuals held by universities;
  • Provide individuals with a right of access to their own personal information.

Most University records are subject to the Act and the majority will be available if requested. What information is covered by the Act?

Policies & Guidelines

The University treats information consistent with the Act in its operations.

FIPPA – General and Administrative Access and Privacy Practices
FIPPA – Guideline Regarding Security for Personal and other Confidential Information
FIPPA – Q and As for Instructors


The University established the FIPP Office to support freedom of information and protection of privacy. The office oversees implementation and administration of access and protection of privacy in the University.

For detailed information on FIPPA and its application at the University, please visit the FIPPA website or contact the FIPP Office.